About Picasso Archive

Picasso archive is app that enables you to search for transactions on the Picasso network prior to address prefix change. You can use the app to find all transactions that had occurred when address prefix were banksy or centauri.

Cubes falling

Why is there a need for this app?

robot with the cubes

Picasso blockchain has achieved many great things. It connected Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum Solana ecosystems using IBC. During the development some changes were implemented and the chain had to rebrand multiple times and each time address changed.

Unfortunately there was no way to find all transactions that had occurred when address changed prefix in the chain. They were stored and executed on the chain but without heavy modification to the chain or creating some specialized explorer or app that would show this data there was no way to do query old data. So we create Picasso Archive a"lite" explorer.

How does the app work?

Picasso Archive is a lite explorer that shows only basic data tied to your address. For example your address, amount of tokens sent, block height, time, date etc. What this app won't show is all of the data from the transactions. So it will only show the essentials.

What we did is we collected data from the start of the blockchain all up to the block height 5079000 (from June 6th 2023 to May 8th 2024) and have all of the transactions and essential data stored into a database. Hence the use of term lite explorer.
Any transaction you want to look into more details you will be redirected to the Ping.Pub where you can see more details about the transaction.

robot with the cubes

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